The DLF group coming up with there new residential
project in NEWTOWN Action Area-III.
After a success of DLF IT Park in Newtown Action Area-I,
they are going to invest a huge in there new IT Park in Action Area-III(25 Acre),Residential Projects And Holel Bisness (in
EM BY Pass).
The DLF group is a leading real estate developer based in
New Delhi, India. The group has over 289 million sq. ft. of existing development and 615 million sq. ft. of planned projects.
DLF is committed to quality, trust and customer sensitivity, and deliver on promises with agility and financial prudence.
In September 2006 DLF was the only real estate firm amongst the 60 businesses named Superbrands of India under the real estate
The core business traditionally has
been made up of 3 prime divisions; residential, commercial and retail. To these DLF has added 3 further divisions; hotels,
infrastructure and SEZs.
For getting more details
about this project or getting Soft launch Price ,please call on 09830934528
or, Write us to,